BMS connection may be difficult to do if you don't know the process. SO in this blog we will provide you details instruction about how to connect the BMS circuit with battery. We show this circuit diagram using 4S or 14.8v bms board of 20A rated. We give you two circuit pic of 4s1p battery and 4s2p battery.
So single cell which i am using is 3000 mah rated VIPOW battery.
Here 1p means 4 piece battery total and 2p means 8 piece battery total.
This Bms board is 4S 20A rated. Bms can be rated for 10A, 20A, 30A, 40 etc. And 1s,2s,3s,4s,5s,6s,7s etc.
All bms connection process is same and as i do in this blog.
4S1p connection diagram-
4s2p Battery connection Diagram -
Now P+ and P- is output terminal. Connect DC male socket with wire for Discharging and dc female port with wire for charging.
Purchase Link -
4s20A Bms
3000 mah Battery
14.8v Full readymade battery+ charger